- "Pa amb oli i sal"
This is a more recent song, one I used to hate
last year when I lived in Catalonia .
Distance has made me appreciate it, and now I really like it, especially the
lyrics! :)
amb oli i sal"
Fes una foto del terrat,
que des d'aquí es pot veure Mart.
La roba estesa, el meu agost,
un camp d'espigues i cargols.
Esperarem que passi el fred
i sota l'arbre parlarem de tot.
Un bioritme elemental,
un mar d'antenes i
astronautes volen baix,
els núvols passen com qui no diu res.
Amb les butxaques a les mans,
caminarem les passes d'altres peus.
Esmorzarem pa amb oli i sal,
ho vestirem amb unes copes de vi.
Deixant de banda la ciutat,
la tarda és llarga, i potser més,
molt més, la nit.
Un altre lloc, un altre temps,
on parlarem amb altres déus.
El meu secret subtitulat,
camins d'arròs, camins de blat.
Esperarem que baixi el sol,
i sota l'arbre parlarem del temps.
Un bioritme elemental,
un tros de vida artificial.
with (olive) oil and salt"
Take a
photograph from the roof deck,
you can see Mars from here.
clothes, my August,
a field
of cereal ears and snails.
wait until the cold is gone
under the tree we'll talk about everything.
elemental biorhythm,
a sea of
antennae and animals.
astronauts fly low,
clouds pass by offhandedly.
in hands,
walk other feet's steps.
breakfast on bread with oil and salt,
dress it up with glasses of wine.
the city aside,
afternoon is long, and maybe
night more, much more so.
other place, some other time,
we'll talk to other gods.
subtitled secret,
paths of
rice, paths of wheat.
wait until the sun comes down,
under the tree we'll talk about the weather.
elemental biorhythm,
a piece
of artificial life.
Font - "Alegria"
This is the only one of all
the songs here that is in a different dialect of Catalan than my own, so
apologies if the translation is a bit wobbly! In case you're curious, I speak a
variety called "central Catalan", and this song is in Balearic
Catalan: here, have a look. Again,
I love this song because of the lyrics, you'll see what I mean.
Cau es sol de s'horabaixa
Falla sa corrent
evening sun goes down
evening sun goes down,
The cliff
evening sun goes down,
evening sun goes down
a power cut,
evening sun goes down
evening sun goes down
municipal (police), it's obvious,
Translation notes
1 - I
obviously invented the word "sardinize", haha, but just because the
songwriter invented the Catalan equivalent too! A more elaborate explanation
would be "The sea turns my skin into that of a sardine preserved in
salt" ('arengada').
2 - The relationship between
the power cut and not selling any peanuts might be a mystery for non Catalan
speakers (unless you think it's because it's dark and people can't see the
stalls). I rather think it's because those peanuts are "garrapinyades".
This is a traditional Catalan way of preparing any kind of nuts (with a crusty
coat of browned sugar), and it's typically sold from fair stalls. These fair
stalls usually prepare the nuts on site with a special (electric) machine,
which is why they won't be able to sell any if there's no electricity.
"Quan somrius"
This is a song recorded for a record called "Altres cançons de Nadal" (other Christmas songs), and several Catalan musicians have a part in it. It's one of my favourite Christmas songs ever (though be warned for cheesiness, as in all Christmas songs.)
"Quan somrius"
Ara que la nit s'ha fet més llarga,
ara que les fulles ballen danses al racó,
ara que els carrers estan de festa,
avui la fred duu tants records...
Ara que sobren les paraules,
ara que el vent bufa tan fort,
avui que no em fa falta veure't
ni tan sols parlar,
per saber que estàs al meu costat.
És Nadal al meu cor,
quan somrius content de veure'm,
quan la nit es fa més freda,
quan t'abraces al meu cos.
I les llums de colors
m'il·luminen nit i dia
les encens amb el somriure
quan em parles amb el cor.
És el buit que deixes quan t'aixeques,
és el buit que es fa a casa
quan no hi ha ningú.
Són petits detalls tot el que em queda,
com queda al jersei un cabell llarg.
Vas dir que mai més tornaries,
el temps pacient ha anat passant.
Qui havia de dir que avui estaries esperant
que ens trobéssim junts al teu costat?
(modified chorus)
És Nadal al teu cor,
quan somric content de veure't,
quan la nit es fa més neta,
quan m'abraço al teu cos.
I les llums de colors
m'il·luminen nit i dia
les encèn el teu somriure
quan et parlo amb el cor.
"When you smile"
Now that nights are longer,
now that leaves dance in the corner,
now that streets are decorated for a party,
today that the cold brings back many memories...
Now that words are unnecessary,
now that the wind blows with so much strength,
today that I don't need to see you
or even talk,
to know that you are by my side.
It's Christmas in my heart,
when you smile, happy to see me,
when nights become colder,
when you cuddle up to me.
And the colourful lights
shed light on me night and day
you light them up with your smile
when you talk to me with your heart.
It's the emptiness you leave when you wake up,
it's the emptiness that takes the house
when there's no one there.
It's just little details all I have left,
like a long hair on a jumper.
You said you'd never come back,
time has gone by patiently.
Who would've said that today, you'd be waiting
for us to meet by your side?
(modified chorus)
It's Christmas in your heart,
when I smile happy to see you,
when nights become fresher,
when I cuddle up to you.
And the colourful lights
shed light on me night and day,
your smile lights them up
when I talk to you with my heart.
I hope you liked the songs, the music and the translations, and that you go on to listen to some music in Catalan. Again, if you have any recommendations, both in Catalan or in any other language, they'll be more than welcome! :)
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